Gaston County
Commissioner Brown - DHHS (Social Services Division) - To Accept and Appropriate Additional Federal Grant Funds for Emergency Rental Assistance Program through the US Treasury in the Amount of $3,215,069 - Link to Document
Commissioners Brown and Fraley - County Manager - Resolution in Support of a Charter Communications Application to North Carolina Department of Information Technology Division of Broadband and Digital Equity Growing Rural Economies with Access to Technology (GREAT) Grant Program and Charter Communications Desire to Expand Broadband Infrastructure to Unserved Areas of Gaston County - Link to Document
Affordable Housing Study Update - Link to Document
NC General Assembly
Capitol News
After a two-week recess the legislature returned on January 27th to officially start business. Starting on the 27th bills can be filed and committees will start meeting. Even though session is just officially kicking off, the NC REALTORS® are already working with leadership and key members to accomplish our legislative priorities for the year. In case you missed our priorities during the last update,

House Committee Passes Flood Bill
On June 12, 2019, by a unanimous vote of 59 to 0, the House Financial Services Committee approved HR 3167: the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Reauthorization Act, sending the bill to the U.S. House of Representatives for consideration.
The Realtor®Advocate
We bring you today’s special edition of the REALTOR® Advocate to provide you information about an important piece of legislation being discussed at the General Assembly.
This morning, the House State and Local Government Committee considered Senate Bill 118. While the original bill dealt with a different subject matter, the Committee substituted the bill with language to address the overreach of local governments’ actions towards of short-term rental regulation.